Friday, July 24, 2009

Where Was I?

I finally got my video issues resolved and was relieved about that. I knew it was a crappy card but it would do for a while. What I really wanted now was a good sound card. Preferably not a Soundblaster because of the cost and the potential compatibility problems with my Athlon system.

I always watch the Sunday Ads and pounce when I see something at a reasonable price. I try to balance the price and the technology that's not quite cutting edge, but not old either.

I wound up with a Hercules Fortissimo II 5.1 with a Cmedia Chip. I think it was one of the first cards with that particular chip? They are all over the place now. Hercules doesn't make sound cards anymore I don't think? They did make a few versions newer than mine. They made some kick ass speakers for a while too.

For anyone that doesn't remember that far back Hercules used to be the makers of the best video cards out there. I'm not even sure they make those anymore.

It's a 16 bit sound card, and I had some problems getting the drivers installed the first few tries. It came with the Yamaha XG Studio and I love that. The Hercules Media Player isn't so hot. I was very happy with this sound card which I paid $50 for. I know there are many cheaper cards but I think this one was worth it. I'm still using it at least five years later.

One thing I don't like about the card is that it uses a dongle, one of those things that connects to the card and has several other connection coming from it. That's just asking for trouble down the road when they start shorting out. It also has TOSLINK connections for optical hardware. But I don't use them. I think it was one of the first cards to have that feature also?

Of course now everything is 24 bit.

I'm using the speakers that came with my PC, a USB desktop set that sucks (BenQ), and a 2.1 CyberAcoustics set that was about $25... also at least five years ago. I can't even remember if I bought them before or after the sound card, but it must have been before?

I could have just used the onboard sound but am old school enough to remember when motherboards didn't have sound. Now you can't buy one without it as far as I know. But there may be some company that makes specialty stuff for users with those needs. There usually is.

My PC is so old now that I'm really out of the loop on current hardware. I do know that even on a new computer I'd have a separate sound card and disable the on board sound. Maybe not right away.

I have my stereo hooked up to my PC and the only thing I didn't get with the card was software to record with or a midi sequencer. I wound up with Nero Wave Editor when I bought a CD-R drive and that takes care of recording. The Hercules Media Player is supposed to do that, but it always froze up on me. Later on I bought Cakewalk Music Creator for the sequencer, but rarely use it.

Maybe I should "create" something while my YouTube is out?

I almost forgot to mention that Arturia Storm Light came with the Hercules card, and I rarely use that either... but it does work without any problems as far as I can tell.

I was very pleased with my new sound card and if I remember correctly the power supply was the next thing I replaced... except for those whirring fans?


Craig K. said...

I didn't know you were into computers Cassie :) ..... but anyway I have a Creative lab Sound Blaster I got mine off ebay for $60 bucks I have it connected to my Sony 5.1 surround sound system through a optical output its a very nice set up....

Cassie said...

I'll bet that sound sweet Craig!

I have an spdf output for that but don't use it.

I'm a Total Geek and Love Computers!

Thanks for stopping by Craig : )