Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What's It All About?

This is a Blog chronicling the History of my personal PC. From day one almost eight years ago, to the present day. Why would any one care about that?

Well, they may not, but I still have a lot of unanswered questions about my PC and maybe this way I'll get the answers I seek?

How many times have you found yourself banging your head against the wall trying to get a straight answer to your problem?

Only to get the same e-mail back, once again, from some tech support person telling you to update your drivers. Or the Software Expert suggesting you contact the hardware vendor. Or the Hardware Support telling you it has to be the Software?

I won't be asking you to join my mailing list, or sign in to see "hidden answers" like so many Bulletin Boards these days.

I'm just another "end user" just like you, and I need some answers...

Hopefully my written history of "The Life Of My PC" will help some one out there see the light? They'll read something and say "That's exactly what happened to me!".

Maybe another "end user" will read my post and know how to solve whatever problem I'm having?

I'm no expert... Thank Goodness :)

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